
Florin Matasaru has been teaching singing and piano to pupils of all ages internationally for over 10 years.

Florin is a classically trained concert pianist with a repertoire of over one thousand songs, able to play and teach any style of music.

He was trained by renowned opera singer Madeleine Pascu, going on to sing internationally with the Philharmonic Choir.

He moved to London in 2008 to work alongside Desmond O’Keefe in the famous “Piano Shop Camden” where he set up a piano school for students of all ages and abilities. He designed a unique music teaching technique, containing the best elements of more traditional approaches, with a lot more fun and a less rigid structure, resulting in a rapid and more enjoyable learning process.

Florin is available for live events internationally and is currently producing an album of original compositions.

Working with disabilities

Florin has experience teaching adults and children with a range of disabilities from physical impairments to mental health issues.

Music therapy has proven successful in improving mental health, physical impairments and problems with speech, using methods of practice built around the individual’s unique set of challenges.

Working with the hearing and visually impaired, his focus on sense response and rhythmical finger patterns has proven extremely impactful.

Understanding the individuals limitations, he uses techniques to reprogram the mind’s interpretation of note sequence, memory-sound triggering and breathing techniques to pace rhythm, whilst most importantly keeping the process fun and empowering.

If you would like to book a lesson please go to the booking page or contact Florin via the contact page


After learning piano with Florin, the results were truly amazing. After a sever accident I had limited use of my right hand, was uncoordinated and had neurological damage. I learnt to play the piano competently, and found every day life activities easier, using the coordination techniques learnt at the keyboard. It worked as an occupational therapy for me and was so much more fun than the regular occupational therapy I’m offered.

-Oscar Bowers

I am grateful to Florin for giving me my confidence back. I never thought I would be able to learn a new skill so quickly. Every lesson is a joy and I continue to practice to realise my dream of performing publicly. It has honestly been a life changing experience for me.

-Juliet Hendall

Florin teaches my two girls aged 5 and 10 and they are coming along in leaps and bounds. He is so charismatic they love their time with him and never want the lesson to end. I cannot reccommend him highly enough.

-Tilly Barron